Let’s Talk About Purple Carrots!

Purple carrots are major sources of the antioxidants carotenoids and phenolic acid (as well as other polyphenols), with twice as much a- and b-carotene as other carrot colors. Purple carrots also contain anthocyanins (a type of flavonoid antioxidants that are more stable in purple carrots than in other sources) (Kidon et al., 2022). The bioactive compounds found in purple carrots are associated with preventing/delaying cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer (Rasheed et al., 2022). The anthocyanins and phenolics in purple carrots are associated with reduced metabolic changes and inflammatory effects, preventing oxidative stress.





  • 1/2-1C (123-245g) pumpkin puree (10-20g carbs, 1-2g protein, 40-80 cal)
  • 40-80g (1.5-3oz) banana (10-20g carbs, 35-70 cal)
  • 100g (3.5 oz) purple carrot (10g carbs, 40 cal)
  • 6g lemon juice
  • 1/2-3/4C water

TOTAL: 120-240 cal, 20-40g carbs, 2.5-5g protein, .2-.5g fat; 28-56% daily fiber, 21-42% vitamin C, 10-20% iron, 843-1700% Vitamin A, 28-56% potassium, 12-24% B6, 14-28% manganese

Brenna's Pumpkin-Banana-Carrot Super-Recipe:

  • 1.5oz banana
  • 1/2C pumpkin puree
  • 100g purple carrot
  • 1/4-1oz lemon juice
  • 4oz water (filtered, alkalinized are best)
  • 3oz cilantro (if you like cilantro)
  • 1/2C baby spinach/&baby kale
  • 1/4C beet greens
  • 4oz beets (pickled beets are fine)


Blend all ingredients. 1 service makes a great snack. Serving may be doubled for meal or depending on energy needs. See nutrition facts on next column.

Super-Recipe Nutrition Facts:

NUTRITION FACTS: 200 cal | 7g protein | 32g carbs | 1g fat | Fiber: 53%.

VITAMINS: Vitamin K: 336% | Vitamin C: 63% | Folate: 47% | Vitamin E: 16% | Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): 11% | Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 21% | Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 12% | Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): 17% | Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): 29%.

MINERALS: Calcium: 14% | Copper: 37% | Iron: 28% | Magnesium: 21% | Manganese: 57% | Phosphorus: 14% | Potassium: 67% | Selenium: 4% | Sodium: 11% | Zinc: 12%.

The nutrition facts above are for one serving (e.g., 1 snack). Portions can be doubled for a meal or larger energy needs.

Key Players in this Super Smoothie

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