St. Patrick’s Day Hot Take: Choose Cabbage Over Corned Beef

As we don our festive hues of green, St. Patrick’s Day brings a fresh take on tradition with a focus on cabbage, a leafy powerhouse that’s stealing the show from corned beef. The Humble Cabbage: A St. Patrick’s Staple Cabbage has long been associated with St. Patrick’s Day, often served alongside corned beef in a […]

Bountiful Greens: A Nutrient-Rich Delight

In the treasure trove of nutrition and diet, there lays a brilliant emerald: dark leafy greens. Whether it’s St. Patrick’s Day or any ordinary day, let’s explore how these greens can elevate your well-being. The Nutritional Powerhouses Dark leafy greens are like nature’s secret handshake—a promise of vitality and nourishment. Here’s why they deserve a […]

Soy: Boulder’s Mighty Bean

In the heart of Boulder, where health and wellness are as much a part of the city as the Flatirons, soy has taken its rightful place as a nutritional powerhouse. This humble bean, often enjoyed as edamame, is not only a complete protein but also a rich source of vitamins and minerals essential for our […]

Beet Your Heart Out: The Secret Valentine Superfood for a Healthy Heart Beat

This Valentine’s Day, while hearts symbolize romance, let’s not forget the literal heart health benefits of a certain ruby-red vegetable. Beets, nature’s own ‘natural viagra,’ offer a bouquet of vasodilation and nitric oxide boosting properties that can enhance athletic performance and kindle the flames of passion. Beets’ Antioxidant Boost: Betalains Beets are powerhouse sources of […]

Protein Powerhouses: Quinoa, Hemp, and Edamame

Welcome to the world of plant-based nutrition, where health meets taste and every meal is an opportunity for nourishment. Whether you’re an athlete, a health enthusiast, or simply curious about plant-based eating, let’s explore three super-sources of complete protein (protein sources that contain all nine (9) essential amino acids that our body needs to build our […]

Big Breaths: A Health Coach’s Secrets to Vibrant Living

  In Boulder, we’re fortunate to have a health-centered community that supports us in breathing through life’s ups and downs. Boulder is a place where the mountains meet the sky, and the air itself seems to offer healing. This was especially true for me during a recent personal challenge that shook me deeply. I found […]

Coffee: Health Boost or Bad Habit?

Few beverages are as quintessentially American as coffee, though its roots stretch far beyond our morning mugs. It’s a daily ritual for many, but the interplay between coffee and health is as complex as the beverage itself—offering a mix of benefits and risks that hinge on consumption, preparation, and personal health goals. Coffee’s “Big Shots” […]

Gut Health and Happiness Hack: Science Says Eat More Plants

Boulder is famous for its natural beauty, outdoor activities, and healthy lifestyle. But did you know that Boulder is also home to one of the largest and most comprehensive studies on the human gut microbiome? The American Gut Project, led by researchers at CU-Boulder and UC-San Diego, has analyzed the stool samples and dietary habits of […]

Antioxidants: Ace Your Health!

Antioxidants are like the superheroes of your body.  They’re tiny molecules that protect your cells from harm caused by toxins and stress like midterms, air pollution, poor sleep, and even too much exercise. How does this happen? Toxins and stress can produce free radicals, unstable molecules that wreak havoc in the body.  But what are these free […]