Coffee: Health Boost or Bad Habit?

Few beverages are as quintessentially American as coffee, though its roots stretch far beyond our morning mugs. It’s a daily ritual for many, but the interplay between coffee and health is as complex as the beverage itself—offering a mix of benefits and risks that hinge on consumption, preparation, and personal health goals. Coffee’s “Big Shots” […]

Cold Plunging: What’s the Skinny?

You’ve probably heard of cold plunging, the wellness trend that involves jumping into ice water for a few minutes. Sounds crazy, right? Well, not so fast. There’s actually some science behind this practice, and it might have some surprising benefits for your health and well-being. But before you grab your swimsuit and head to the […]

Let’s Talk About Edamame!

Let’s Talk About Edamame! Edamame is my favorite superfood. Just four ounces (4oz // ~1/2 C) provides ~14 – 21g of complete protein (complete amino acid profile), 8g healthy fat, 14g carbs, great fiber (!). Soy is estrogenic so when consumed in its natural form (e.g., with the fiber), it helps regulate hormones (the fiber […]

Let’s Talk About Maca!

Let’s Talk About Maca! Maca is one of my favorite superfoods! Adaptogenic. Works with the adrenals to heal and strengthen. Provides stamina and endurance. Helps heal from adrenal fatigue. Great even energy. Bonus lysine amino acid profile. Great protein & carbs. Gelatinized (starch removed) makes it more easily digestible for maximum nutrient absorption. Bonus butterscotch […]

Let’s Talk About Beets!

Let’s Talk About Beets! Beets are powerhouse sources of antioxidants as well as a variety of additional vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients. Beets contain a variety of compounds that facilitate nitrogen metabolism through nitric oxide (NO) binding, nitrite reduction, and nitrate (NOD) formation (Eriksson et al., 2019). These compounds enable beets to have potent vasodilating effects […]

Let’s Talk About Cilantro!

Let’s Talk About Cilantro! Cilantro is a form of Coriandrum sativum along with coriander and Chinese parsley. Research suggests coriander offers beneficial properties, particularly related to liver health, detoxification, heavy metal detoxification, skin infections, glucose utilization, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia, as well as anxiety and pain (Abascal & Yarnell 2012).   Kidon ́ […]

Let’s Talk About Purple Carrots!

Let’s Talk About Purple Carrots! Purple carrots are major sources of the antioxidants carotenoids and phenolic acid (as well as other polyphenols), with twice as much a- and b-carotene as other carrot colors. Purple carrots also contain anthocyanins (a type of flavonoid antioxidants that are more stable in purple carrots than in other sources) (Kidon […]

Let’s Talk About Bananas!

Let’s Talk About Bananas! Bananas are great natural sweeteners but they also have tons of micronutrient benefits! Generally known for their mineral electrolytes. They are great sources of potassium as well as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. These are all critical for muscle, heart, brain, and nervous system function. Bananas are also great sources of […]

Let’s Talk About Pumpkin!

Let’s Talk About Pumpkin! Pumpkin is a rich source of dietary antioxidant vitamins (e.g., Vitamins A, E, and C), carotenoids (e.g., B-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin), and phenolic compounds (e.g., caffein acid, gallic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, and rutin). It is also a great source of dietary fiber, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids. Because of […]

Smoothies & The Gut Microbiome

Smoothies and the Gut Microbiome The University of Minnesota recently conducted an interesting study in which 34 subjects provided detailed dietary records of all food and beverages consumed daily for 17 days and daily fecal samples used for microbiome sampling (also for 17 days)(Johnson et al., 2019). The researchers correlated daily microbiome samplings with personalized […]